Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 232.

MARCUS    them selves, and leave the middest of their battell. Wherby 
BRUTUS    they having weakened them selves, they could not withstande 
    the force of their enemies, but turned taile straight, and fled. 
    And those that had put them to flight, came in straight 
Brutus    upon it to compasse Brutus behinde, who in the middest of 
valliantnes    the conflict, did all that was possible for a skilfull Captaine 
and great    and valliant souldier: both for his wisedom, as also for his 
skill in    hardinesse, for the obtaining of victorie. But that which 
warres.    wanne him the victorie at the first battell, did now lose it 
    him at the seconde. For at the first time, the enemies that 
    were broken and fled, were straight cut in peeces: but at 
    the seconde battell, of Cassius men that were put to flight, 
    there were fewe slaine: and they that saved them selves by 
    speede, being affrayed bicause they had bene overcome, did 
    discourage the rest of the armie when they came to joyne 
    with them, and filled all the army with feare and disorder. 
The death of    There was the sonne of M. Cato slaine, valliantly fighting 
the valliant    amongst the lustie youths. For, notwithstanding that he 
young man    was verie wearie, and overharried, yet would he not there- 
Cato, the    fore flie, but manfully fighting and laying about him, telling 
son of    alowde his name, and also his fathers name, at length he was 
Marcus Cato.    beaten downe amongest many other dead bodies of his ene- 
    mies, which he had slaine rounde about him. So there were 
    slaine in the field, all the chiefest gentlemen and nobilitie 
    that were in his armie: who valliantlie ranne into any daun- 
The fidelitie    ger, to save Brutus life. Amongest them there was one of 
of Lucilius    Brutus frendes called Lucilius, who seeing a troupe of bar- 
unto Brutus.    barous men making no reckoning of all men else they met in 
    their way, but going all together right against Brutus, he 
    determined to stay them with the hazard of his life, and 
    being left behinde, told them that he was Brutus: and 
    bicause they should beleve him, he prayed them to bring 
    him to Antonius, for he sayd he was affrayed of Caesar, and 
    that he did trust Antonius better. These barbarous men 
    being very glad of this good happe, and thinking them 
    selves happie men: they caried him in the night, and sent 
    some before unto Antonius, to tell him of their comming. 
    He was marvelous glad of it, and went out to meete them 
    that brought him. Others also understanding of it, that 