Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 218.

MARCUS    no otherwise affrayd, replyed againe unto it: Well, then I 
BRUTUS    shall see thee agayne. The spirit presently vanished away: 
    and Brutus called his men unto him, who tolde him that 
    they heard no noyse, nor sawe any thinge at all. There- 
    uppon Brutus returned agayne to thinke on his matters as he 
    did before: and when the daye brake, he went unto Cassius, 
    to tell him what vision had appeared unto him in the night. 
    Cassius beeing in opinion an Epicurian, and reasoning thereon 
Cassius    with Brutus, spake to him touching the vision thus. In our 
opinion of    secte, Brutus, we have an opinion, that we doe not alwayes 
spirits, after    feele, or see, that which we suppose we doe both see and 
the Epicuri-    feele: but that our senses beeing credulous, and therefore 
ans sect.    easily abused (when they are idle and unoccupied in their 
    owne objects) are induced to imagine they see and conjecture 
    that, which they in truth doe not. For, our minde is quicke 
    and cunning to worke (without eyther cause or matter) any 
    thinge in the imagination whatsoever. And therefore the 
    imagination is resembled to claye, and the minde to the 
    potter: who without any other cause than his fancie and 
    pleasure, chaungeth it into what facion and forme he will. 
    And this doth the diversitie of our dreames shewe unto us. 
The cause    For our imagination doth uppon a small fancie growe from 
of dreames.    conceit to conceit, altering both in passions and formes of 
    thinges imagined. For the minde of man is ever occupied, 
    and that continuall moving is nothing but an imagination. 
    But yet there is a further cause of this in you. For you 
    being by nature given to melancholick discoursing, and of 
    late continually occupied: your wittes and sences having 
    bene overlabored, doe easilier yeelde to such imaginations. 
    For, to say that there are spirits or angells, and if there 
    were, that they had the shape of men, or such voyces, or 
    any power at all to come unto us: it is a mockerye. And 
    for myne owne parte, I would there were suche, bicause that 
    we shoulde not onely have souldiers, horses, and shippes, but 
    also the ayde of the goddes, to guide and further our honest 
    and honorable attempts. With these words Cassius did 
A wonderfull    somewhat comfort and quiet Brutus. When they raysed 
signe by two    their campe, there came two Eagles that flying with a mar- 
Eagles.    velous force, lighted uppon two of the foremoste enseignes, 