Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 216.

MARCUS    mad moode or toye tooke him in the head: for he was a 
BRUTUS    hot hasty man, and sodaine in all his doings, and cared for 
    never a Senator of them all. Now, though he used this 
Cynick    bold manner of speeche after the profession of the Cynick 
Philosophers    Philosophers, (as who would say, doggs) yet this boldnes did 
counted    no hurt many times, bicause they did but laugh at him to 
doggs.    see him so mad. This Phaonius at that time, in despite of 
    the doorekeepers, came into the chamber, and with a cer- 
    taine scoffing and mocking gesture which he counterfeated 
    of purpose, he rehearsed the verses which old Nestor sayd in 
        My Lords, I pray you harken both to mee, 
        For I have seene moe yeares than suchye three. 
    Cassius fel a laughing at him: but Brutus thrust him out 
    of the chamber, and called him dogge, and counterfeate 
    Cynick. Howbeit his comming in brake their strife at that 
    time, and so they left eche other. The selfe same night 
    Cassius prepared his supper in his chamber, and Brutus 
    brought his friendes with him. So when they were set at 
    supper, Phaonius came to sit downe after he had washed. 
    Brutus tolde him alowd, no man sent for him, and bad 
    them set him at the upper end: meaning in deede at the 
    lower ende of the bed. Phaonius made no ceremonie, but 
    thrust in amongest the middest of them, and made all the 
    companye laugh at him: so they were merry all supper 
    tyme, and full of their Philosophie. The next daye after, 
    Brutus, upon complaynt of the Sardians, did condemne and 
    noted Lucius Pella for a defamed person, that had bene a 
    Praetor of the Romanes, and whome Brutus had given charge 
    unto: for that he was accused and convicted of robberie, 
    and pilferie in his office. This judgement much misliked 
    Cassius: bicause he him selfe had secretly (not many dayes 
    before) warned two of his friends, attainted and convicted 
    of the like offences, and openly had cleered them: but yet 
    he did not therefore leave to employ them in any manner of 
    service as he did before. And therefore he greatly reproved 
    Brutus, for that he would shew him selfe so straight and 
    seveare in such a tyme, as was meeter to beare a litle, then 