Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 6 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 10.

MARCUS     for his naughty life: for they did abhor his banckets and 
ANTONIUS     dronken feasts he made at unseasonable times, and his 
     extreme wastful expences upon vaine light huswives, and 
     then in the day time he would sleepe or walke out his 
     dronkennes, thinking to weare away the fume of the abound- 
Antonius     aunce of wine which he had taken over night. In his house 
abominable     they did nothing but feast, daunce, and maske: and him 
life.     selfe passed away the time in hearing of foolish playes, or in 
     marrying these plaiers, tomblers, jeasters, and such sort of 
     people. As for profe hereof it is reported, that at Hippias 
     mariage, one of his jeasters, he drank wine so lustely all night, 
     that the next morning when he came to pleade before the 
     people assembled in counsel, who had sent for him: he 
Antonius     being quesie stomaked with his surfet he had taken, was 
laid up his     compelled to lay all* before them, and one of his friends held 
stomack     him his gowne in stead of a basen. He had another pleasaunt 
before the     player called Sergius, that was one of the chiefest men about 
whole     him, and a woman also called Cytheride, of the same profes- 
assembly.     sion, whom he loved derely: he caried her up and downe in 
     a litter unto all the townes he went, and had as many men 
Antonius     waiting apon her litter, she being but a player, as were 
insolence.     attending upon his owne mother. It greved honest men 
     also very much, to see that when he went into the contry, 
     he caried with him a great number of cubbords ful of silver 
     and gold plate, openly in the face of the world, as it had 
     ben the pompe or shewe of some triumphe: and that 
     eftsoones in the middest of his jorney he would set up his 
     hales and tents hard by some greene grove or pleasaunt 
     river, and there his Cookes should prepare him a sumptuous 
     dinner. And furthermore, Lyons were harnesed in trases to 
     drawe his carts: and besides also, in honest mens houses in 
     the cities where he came, he would have common harlots, 
     curtisans, and these tumbling gillots lodged. Now it greved 
     men much, to see that Caesar should be out of Italy following 
     of his enemies, to, end this great warre, with such great perill 
     and daunger: and that others in the meane time abusing 
     his name and authoritie, should commit such insolent and 
     outragious parts unto their Citizens. This me thinkes was 
     the cause that made the conspiracie against Caesar increase