Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Englished by Sir Thomas North. Trans. Sir Thomas North. Vol. 5 (1579; London: David Nutt, 1896) 61.

    This notwithstanding, they that procured him this honorIULIUS
     and dignity, gave it out among the people, that it wasCÆSAR
     written in the Sybilline prophecies, how the Romanes might 
     overcome the Parthians, if they made warre with them, and 
     were led by a king, but otherwise that they were unconquer- 
     able. And furthermore they were so bold besides, that 
     Caesar returning to Rome from the citie of Alba, when they 
     came to salute him, they called him king. But the people 
     being offended, and Caesar also angry, he said he was not 
     called king, but Caesar. Then every man keeping silence, he 
     went his way heavy and sorowfull. When they had decreed 
     divers honors for him in the Senate, the Consulls and Praetors 
     accompanied with the whole assembly of the Senate, went 
     unto him in the market place, where he was set by the pulpit 
     for orations, to tell him what honors they had decreed for 
     him in his absence. But he sitting still in his majesty, dis- 
     daining to rise up unto them when they came in, as if they 
     had bene private men, aunswered them: that his honors had 
     more neede to be cut of, then enlarged. This did not onely 
     offend the Senate, but the common people also, to see that 
     he should so lightly esteeme of the Magistrates of the common 
     wealth: insomuch as every man that might lawfully goe 
     his way, departed thence very sorrowfully. Thereupon also Caesar 
     rising, departed home to his house, and tearing open his 
     doblet coller, making his necke bare, he cried out alowde to 
     his frendes, that his throte was readie to offer to any man 
     that would come and cut it. Notwithstanding, it is reported, 
     that afterwardes to excuse this folly, he imputed it to his 
     disease, saying, that their wittes are not perfit which have 
     his disease of the falling evil, when standing of their feete 
     they speake to the common people, but are soone troubled 
     with a trembling of their body, and a sodaine dimnes and 
     guidines. But that was not true. For he would have risen 
     up to the Senate, but Cornelius Balbus one of his frendes 
     (but rather a flatterer) would not let him, saying: What, doe 
     you not remember that you are Caesar, and will you not let 
     them reverence you, and doe their dueties? Besides these 
     occasions and offences, there followed also his shame and re- 
     proache, abusing the Tribunes of the people in this sorte.