Reginald Scot, The Discoverie of Witchcraft (London: William Brome, 1584. Great Britain: John Rodker, 1930) 9.

Credulity                                             of Witchcraft                                              CHAP. 7, 8  

By what meanes the name of witches becommeth so famous, and how diverslie people be   
opinioned concerning them and their actions.   
SURELIE the naturall power of man or woman cannot be so inlarged,  
as to doo anie thing beyond the power and vertue given and ingraffed* by   
God. But it is the will and mind of man, which is vitiated and depraved   
by the divell: neither dooth God permit anie more, than that which the naturall  Miracles are
order appointed by him dooth require. Which naturall order is nothing else,  ceased.
but the ordinarie power of God, powred* into everie creature, according to his   
state and condition. But hereof more shall be said in the title of witches con-   
fessions. Howbeit you shall understand, that few or none are throughlie per-   
suaded, resolved, or satisfied, that witches can indeed accomplish all these   
impossibilities: but some one is bewitched in one point, and some is coosened* in   
another, untill in fine, all these impossibilities, and manie mo, are by severall   
persons affirmed to be true.   
     And this I have also noted, that when anie one is coosened with a coosening  The opinions
toie* of witchcraft, and maketh report thereof accordinglie verifieng a matter  of people
most impossible and false as it were upon his owne knowledge, as being over-  concerning
taken with some kind of illusion or other (which illusions are right* inchantments)  witchcraft
even the selfe-same man will deride the like lie proceeding, out of another mans  are diverse
mouth, as a fabulous matter unworthie of credit. It is also to be woondered, how  and incon-
men (that have seene some part of witches coosenages detected, and see also  stant.
therein the impossibilitie of their owne presumptions, & the follie and falsehood   
of the witches confessions) will not suspect, but remaine unsatisfied, or rather   
obstinatelie defend the residue of witches supernaturall actions: like as when a   
juggler hath discovered* the slight* and illusion of his principall feats, one would   
fondlie* continue to thinke, that his other petie juggling knacks of legierdemaine   
are done by the helpe of a familiar:* and according to the follie of some papists,   
who seeing and confessing the popes absurd religion, in the erection and main-   
tenance of idolatrie and superstition, speciallie in images, pardons, and relikes   
of saints, will yet persevere to thinke, that the rest of his doctrine and trumperie   
is holie and good.   
     Finallie, manie mainteine and crie out for the execution of witches, that par-   
ticularlie beleeve never a whit of that which is imputed unto them; if they be   
therein privatelie dealt withall,* and substantiallie opposed and tried* in argument.   
Causes that moove as well witches themselves as others to thinke that they can worke impossi-   
bilities, with answers to certeine objections: where also their punishment by lawe is touched.   
CARDANUS writeth, that the cause of such credulitie consisteth in  Card. de var.
three points; to wit, in the imagination of the melancholike, in the con-  rerum. lib. 15.
stancie of them that are corrupt therewith, and in the deceipt of the  cap. 80.
Judges; who being inquisitors themselves against heretikes and witches, did   
both accuse and condemne them, having for their labour the spoile* of their   
goods. So as these inquisitors added manie fables hereunto, least they should   
seeme to have doone injurie to the poore wretches, in condemning and executing   
them for none offense. But sithens (saith he) the springing up of Luthers sect,   
these priests have tended more diligentlie upon the execution of them; bicause   
more wealth is to be caught from them: insomuch as now they deale so looselie