James I, King of Great Britain. Dæmonologie.
Edinburgh: Robert Walde-grave, 1597. Ed. G.B. Harrison. London: John Lane, 1924.

foundations of the world were laid, which he hath
not power in the least jote to transgresse. But be-
side all this, there is ouer greate a certainty to proue
that they are, by the daily experience of the harmes
that they do, both to men, and whatsoeuer thing
men possesses, whome God will permit them to be
the instrumentes, so to trouble or visite, as in my
discourse of that arte, yee shall heare clearelie pro-

The Etymologie and signification of that word of Sorce-
rie. The first entresse* and prentishippe* of them that
giues themselues to that craft.

Come on then I pray you, and returne where
ye left.
   EPI. This word of Sorcerie is a Latine worde,
which is taken from casting of the lot, & therefore
he that vseth it, is called Sortiarius à sorte. As to the
word of Witchcraft, it is nothing but a proper name
giuen in our language. The cause wherefore they
were called sortiarij, proceeded of their practicques
seeming to come of lot or chance: Such as the tur-
ning of the riddle: the knowing of the forme of
prayers, or such like tokens: If a person diseased
woulde liue or dye. And in generall, that name
was giuen them for vsing of such charmes, and
freites,* as that Crafte teacheth them. Manie
poynts of their craft and practicques are common